York U professor helps transform engineering education in Uganda.... Read in YFile, Read PDF
Technology is great until it’s used against you — protect yourself from hacker attacks! All companies and organizations take ample precautions to protect their data from online breaches.... Read in Patreon , Read PDF
Amplifying Cybersecurity Research Impact: The Role of Knowledge Mobilization - Modern times have witnessed a significant rise in malware outbreaks targeting mobile phone users through app stores. These attacks have raised serious apprehensions about the security of these digital marketplaces and the possible risks faced by smartphone users... Read in Zupyak, Read PDF
Humans enjoy numerous advantages in today’s modern era, characterized by astonishing luxuries and technological advancements. However, with the convenience and accessibility of these advancements, there comes a corresponding increase in potential roadblocks that have the power to wreak havoc within communities... Read in Fundly Live, Read PDF
Streamlining Cybersecurity Knowledge Retrieval - The Power of Information Extraction Tools and Prof. Arash Habibi Lashkari’s Groundbreaking... Read in Patreon , Read PDF
Contributed as an expert panel member for the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) report entitled "Vulnerable Connections by the Expert Panel on Public Safety in the Digital Age". Read the report
Have been invited to appear as an expert and provide testimony before the Canadian Parliamentary Ethics Committee — formally the House of Commons of Canada Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI) — for their ongoing study on the Protection of Privacy and Reputation on Platforms such as Pornhub...Watch the feed or Read the report
New dataset from UNB to help detect man-in-the-middle attacks
The Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC) at the University of New Brunswick has released its first-ever DNS over HTTPS (DoH) dataset funded by CIRA’s Community Investment Program. The benchmark cybersecurity dataset, named CIRA-CIC-DoHBrw-2020, ... Read PDF
My recent interview with CBC
Apple, Google not doing enough to fight app-store malware, say security experts... Read PDF
Cybersecurity research project releases new dataset
A new dataset to support the development of real-time cyberattack detectors has been released by the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC) at the University of New Brunswick... Read PDF
UNB Researchers named among top researchers for canada 150:
The national not-for-profit organization Mitacs is saluting 150 researchers from all across Canada who it says are shaping the future of the country... Read PDF
Protect yourself and your organization in cyberspace
Earlier this year, hackers stole nearly 15 gigabytes of company information, including payroll and bank account data, from Goldcorp Inc., one of Canada’s largest mining companies... Read PDF
4 NB hotels believed hit by international hacking scheme
Hackers of suspected of credit card information from guests at four New Brunswick hotels in what the InterContinental Hotels Groups believes was a North America-wise attacks... Read PDF
Cyberbullying or Cyberstalking: motives, effects, prevention and termination
In the modern-day world, information and communication technology has made it easier for people to connect with each other, resulting in both positive and negative effects for society... Read PDF
SECU-11, The security Gold medal winner of APICTA 2012, Brunai
The project entitled "A new Graphical Password For Mobile/Tablet Applications" from the University Technology of Malaysia (UTM) ... Read PDF
"GUI based on steganography" won the Gold medal on security at APICTA 2012
The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) is an international awards program which aims to increase ICT awareness in the community and assist in bridging the digital divide ... Read PDF
Iranian computer specialist Arash Habibi Lashkari has been awarded at the 2012
Iranian computer specialist Arash Habibi Lashkari has been awarded at the 2012 national contest of MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Awards (MSC Malaysia APICTA)... Read PDF
Researchers named among top researchers for Canada 150
The cybersecurity Research and Academic Leadership award, Canada 2019
The cybersecurity academic award, Canada 2017